Engr. Olisa Kanebi is our Engineering Construction manager at Afrihood. He is a seasoned professional who gained experience working...
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Home Buying Contingencies you should Include in your Purchase Offer
admin, , Buying, Financing, Insight, Research, Selling, Financing Contingency, Home Appraisal Contingency, Home buying contingencies, Home Sale Contingency, Title Contingency, 0Essentially, a contingency clause in a purchase offer gives parties the right to back out of the contract under...
10 Reasons why your Purchase Offer was Rejected
admin, , Buying, Moving, Research, Selling, Buyers' agent, Earnest money deposit, mortgage pre-approval, Pre-qualification, Purchase offer, Seller concession, 1The rigorous home buying process has several important steps that must be diligently and painstakingly taken by a buyer....
How to Buy a Home in a Seller’s Market
admin, , Buying, Insight, Moving, Selling, All-cash offer, Buyers' market, Contingencies, Preapproval, Sellers' market, 1The real estate market sometimes witnesses fluctuations which make certain seasons get busier than others. This makes both buyers...
Why should I Trust Afrihood Land-banking over Other Real Estate Land-banking?
admin, , Buying, Financing, Selling, Afrihood, Afrihood land banking, buy-and-hold investment option, Fixed asset, Land banking, Real Estate, 0Land-banking, also called land speculation in land economics, is a buy-and-hold investment option in real estate that involves buying...
14 Steps to Buying a House
admin, , Buying, Financing, Home Improvement, Insight, Research, Selling, Buying a Home, Credit history, Credit score, Formal mortgage application, Home buying process, Home inspection, mortgage pre-approval, Real estate agent, Real estate market, 1Every process in life comes with important steps that must be diligently followed from the start through to finish....
What you should Know about Home Appraisals
admin, , Buying, Financing, Home Improvement, Insight, Selling, Appraisal Report, Home Appraisals, Home Refinancing, Mortgage, Real estate agent, 2A home appraisal is an important part of real estate transaction if you are considering buying a home using...
The Most Important Factors for Real Estate Investing
admin, , Buying, Financing, Insight, Research, Selling, Cash flow, Credit score, Indirect investments in real estate, Real estate investing, Real estate market, 0One big puzzle that people planning to invest in real estate often try to solve is what the most...
10 Habits of Successful Real Estate Investors
admin, , Buying, Financing, Insight, Research, Selling, Real Estate, Real estate investing, Real estate investors, 0Real estate investing is lucrative and rewarding but also challenging as it is a highly competitive field. This is...
What Makes Real Estate Markets Different?
admin, , Buying, Insight, Research, Selling, Property tax, Real estate agents, Real estate markets, Real estate rules, 4You must have heard that real estate markets are rarely the same even within close proximities, and wondered why...